Wednesday, February 10, 2010

# 10 on 10 :: February 10 #

10 pictures on the 10th day of the month!

(Document a snapshot of your life and find beauty amont the ordinary things in your day!)

Good morning sunshine!!!

What a better way to start a good day than with a fresh brewed cup of coffe!

And a delicious bowl of cereal!

Today was my mom's birthday!
(I tried to take a picture of my phone showing her name but my camera is not the best just to document that we did call her to say Happy Birthday, actually Grace learned today how to say "abuelita" which means grandma in spanish)

Jr. & Grace were so ready to take a nap!

Awake from her nap and ready to play!

She woke up in such a good mood & played with August the whole time until his mom came to pick him up.

All right, I know this is more than 1 picture but I have to share this with you.
This is a mexican fruit called Jicama, you might be asking what's a Jicama? here is the answer.
Well let me just say that I absolutely love the taste of this fruit and since I'm mexican I have always eaten it with lemon, salt and chile. So yummy!!!!

Getting ready to go to bed!

On my way to the gym!!!

See you next month!!!

I "stole" this idea from Mel @ The Larson Lingo
Go check out her awesome blog and her adorable girls!!!


  1. Thanks for sharing your 10 on 10. I really like the simple cereal and coffee shot. Baby girls seems so happy. I like the smiley play date pic.

  2. Yay! Cute pictures! And fruit with chile powder and salt? Interesting. I might just have to try it! :)
