Monday, January 25, 2010

#Mcfatty monday :: week 4#

As I'm eating a full bag of popcorn I'm very happy to announce that I lost 1.8 more pounds this week!!!

I have been very good at counting calories so I don't end up eating more that I should and I really think is not that complicated and the best part is that I can still eat whatever I want just being careful about the serving sizes.

I haven't drink anything but water and I feel good about it, I don't miss soda at all.

Now let's talk about exercise, I'm lazy and I don't like it but I realize that if I want to reach my goal in less time I need to get up and work my butt off.
I found a very cool gadget on my phone call cardio trainer where you can setup everything about your weight loss program, how many lbs you want to loose, how many calories you are eating everyday, your BMI, everything about your work out, it tells you if you are wlaking or running, for how long, how many calories you burned, it also has a GPS !!! I'm in love with this application but I found it yesterday so I didnt do to much exercise this week, I just walked 5 miles yesterday and I'm planning on doing this everyday, 3 miles with my baby on her stroller and 2 more miles with my dog at the dog park!
(Note for myself: Get a jogging stroller)

This is the longest that I have ever follow a plan to lose weight and I'm happy, energized and motivated to keep going.

I want to thank to my wonderful husband for all of his support because I couldn't do this without him cheering me on!!! Love you babe!

My goal for this week is to lose at least 2 more pounds and start walking faster everytime so I might be able to start jogging in no time.

Until next monday


  1. Good Job on your loss this week! And good luck this coming week, that sounds like a cool app for your phone!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I'm jealous of your phone app (sounds awesome!) and of your long walks!!! (our weather is too crummy right now for outdoor exercise). Keep up the great week!
