Monday, October 18, 2010

that's what she said

Grace is talking up a storm & I want to document every single funny thing that she says because I don't want to forget about it ...

Me: Grace, cuantos annos tienes?
Grace: nuno,doshh

- Karyyyy gooo, Karyyy veeenn, Kary pishhhh

- Cartun cartun ta ta ta ... (my mom taught her to say the name of an old mexican show called cachun cachun ra ra but she says it when she wants to see cartoons)

- none, tu, pi, .. nine

- nuno, dosh, pi, cuato, shinco, six, nine

1 comment:

  1. These moments are the ones you are going to cherish the most. When she is so little and so smart. So young and so naturally witted. Congratulations for ur beautiful family and God bless all!
