Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First Tooth

Yeah, out of the blue, we got a tooth.
David noticed it before I did so he started screaming all over the house "We got a tooth, we got a tooth".
Gracie is doing incredibly good, no fussiness or crankiness ... She is such a good baby!!!
I will post pictures as soon as I can get a good shot of her tooth.


  1. That is crazy that she got a tooth without being fussy! I've been blaming Charlotte's fussiness on teeth for 4 months now and still no tooth to show for it! The doctor even told me she was teething! Gracie is such an easygoing good baby!

  2. Yea for Gracie! Caleb's got his second one popping through now just 5 days after the first.

  3. Welcome to the teething club! You are so lucky that she is not fussy.
