Thursday, May 28, 2009

6 month check up

Gracie had her check up today and the numbers are as follow:

Weight: 20 Lbs - 98%
Height: 28 1/2 inches - 100%

I know what are you people thinking, I do have a BIG baby!!! But the most important things are that she is healthy and happy.
Oh and tooth # 2 is here!!!
Dr Jones

Our favorite nurse, Maria

1 comment:

  1. Was she a big baby at birth too? I wonder if that means that she'll be bigger for her age or if she'll even out... because you're a pretty small person! Charlotte is usually 75% for height and head, 50% for weight. I'm just so glad she's as high as she is because she was below average when she was born. Considering I was an 8 pound baby at birth I don't know how much size now determines size later.
